Monday, August 9, 2010

CHIP PI Jeff Volek Authors New Atkins Book – Center for Health ...

CHIP Principal Investigator Jeff Volek is disseminating nearly a decade���s worth of research on the effectiveness of low-carbohydrate diets through a well-received new book. Volek, an associate professor of kinesiology in the Neag School of Education, co-authored The New Atkins for a New You: The Ultimate Diet for Shedding Weight and Feeling Great with two other researchers who, like himself, professionally study and personally follow the Atkins diet. To Volek, however, the most important difference between his new Atkins book and previous Atkins books is the focus on sharing the emerging science behind the diet in such a way that readers can easily understand it and consistently apply it to their daily lives. The book is more flexible��� Perhaps the most important aspect of the new book is that we address the critical issue of sustainability from both a nutritional and a behavioral perspective.��� The New Atkins for a New You compiles research from more than 50 scientific studies, including 20 articles Volek has authored since he began studying the safety and effectiveness of the Atkins diet and other low-carbohydrate diets in 2001. ���Despite consuming three times more saturated fat compared to a low-fat diet, saturated fat levels in the blood went down more than two-fold greater than with a low fat diet,��� he said. On Atkins, saturated fat becomes an important energy source so you burn both body fat and fat in the diet for fuel. ���The key is finding the level of carbohydrate you can tolerate and then fat is your friend.��� One way Volek and his co-authors simplified the science behind the diet was with two new concepts: the Metabolic Bully and the Atkins Edge.


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