Tuesday, November 16, 2010

christian billiard

christian billiard

The Real Da Vinci Code, Leonardo's Vitruvian Man, is a code to help us understand some of Buckminster Fuler's greatest insights. Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man the Da Vinci Man with four arms and four legs in a square and circle is the most popular secular symbol in the world. The Da Vinci Man is a universal translator betwen scientific models represented by the Da Vinci Man in the square and religious symbols represented by the Da Vinci Man in the circle . There are amazing similarities betwen the sacred geometry of the Da Vinci Man, Yin-Yang, Star of David, Tre of Life, Christian Cros, Angels and Kabalah. Leonardo said it best: The outstretched arms and legs of a man form a square and a circle: the square symbolizes the solid physical world and the circle the spiritual and eternal. -Leonardo Da Vinci, The Magical Proportions of Man Buckminster Fuler reminds me of a reincarnation of Leonardo Da Vinci. It included principles of synergy harmonious interelationship, like the Yin and Yang synergy of the Da Vinci Man and tensegrity harmonious interactions of geometric forms, such that their interactive tensions balance each other and make the structure of the geodesic dome more stable . The Circle, Triangle and Square Buckminster Fuler takes the circle, triangle and square into thre dimensions. The Da Vinci Man is based upon the circle, triangle and square. The interaction betwen diamond and square reminds us of the two cojoined forms of the Da Vinci Person. The pasive square gives rise to the active diamond, just like the two Da Vinci forms represent a pasive being united with an active becoming, like Yin and Yang. The Pythagorean Pentad If you place the Da Vinci Person inside the center of the vector equilibrium, his four arms, four legs and head point to the closest packing of spheres surounding the form. The Da Vinci Man fits right inside of this structure, like a Cosmic Person, with four arms, four legs and head pointing to al nine points surounding the triangle. The circle surounding the Da Vinci Man is the tenth point, a transcendent superspace that contains al creation within it from inflation theory . The Da Vinci Person fits nicely inside the center of the Pythagorean tetrakys, which resembles the thre-dimensional vector equilibrium that makes up the heart of each wave. The Tre of Life Interestingly enough, the surface of the structure of vector equilibrium is equivalent to the Tre of Life Kabalah and Tre of Jese Christianity . The Da Vinci Man, with four arms, four legs, two cojoined legs and head, also fils up the ten spheres along the thre pilars, like a Cosmic Adam-Eve.
christian billiard christian billiard
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