Thursday, November 25, 2010

Whats is christmas day funny version

christmas day funny version

The creators of Pirate day, Ol' Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy, have stated that this is a fun day to do crazy things without being called mad. But these are not all what people do on Pirate day, there are so many things that you can do for fun during the day. And here come what people often do on the day: Almost every RPG game about the world in 18th or 19th century has at least a pirate. Playing the games as a pirate, you can wear sword, sabre and sometimes, gun. But for pirate-themed games, Pirates of the Caribbean game is one of the best, there is a MMO version of the game as well. For casual gamer, the Facebook game: Pirate Ahoy is pretty famous to play and enjoy with friends. As pirate is so popular, you can easily find a costume of pirate. Wearing like a pirate on the Pirate day is awesome. Moreover, by doing so, you help spreading the pirate day and pirate culture to other landlubbers out there. If you are a man, pirate costume will make you manly and strong who don't like a manly man? Books are very essential in many occasions, even in the Pirate day. First, by reading books, you will soon develop a love for pirate and pirate culture. Then, you will have a general idea what pirate is and how pirate should be. Some guides will tell you many things about the pirate: their habits, their code, other guides show you the way to act like them, to apply their culture in real life. You can read a very interesting guide from the pirate day founder, Ol' Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy, The Pirate Life. If you don't set sail obliviously, can't , you can also join together for a pirate party and enjoy the cosplay and the pirate talking. To start, why don't you join the International Talk like a Pirate day page on Facebook and start recruiting your crew? Pirate songs should be sung in group, best by a sailor crew. Those songs helps the pirates overcome the difficulties of sailors' job in the past. By singing the songs, the pirates had a tune to adjust the rate and a motivation to work. Some good pirate songs that you should consider: Song from Treasure Island book: Fifteen Men Bottle of Rum and Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Song: Yo Ho, Yo Ho! So now, you can totally join and enjoy the pirate day the leisure way.
christmas day funny version christmas day funny version
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