Tuesday, November 23, 2010

black out service audio luce

black out service audio luce

I recently contacted Lauren Kate and while she is very busy writing, she took the time to send along the following. I’ve been writing love stories for as long as I’ve been writing. When I was getting my masters degree in fiction, I was studying biblical narratives and came across a line in Genesis 6:1-4 , which describes a group of angels who fell in love with mortal women. When I first started writing her, I pulled some personality traits from this friend, but as I continued with her story, Luce veered away from my friend into an identity of her own. Daniel was the most challenging, mainly because the full truth of his character has to come to light very slowly over the course of the entire series in order for the books to work. The reveal at the end of the first book was probably one that most readers saw coming .it is book about fallen angels after all! But I like to think of him as a work in progress, a developing story, and someone who, above all, knows Luce better than anyone else including herself , and has her best interest at heart. That is the blessing and the curse of writing a series! For those of you going crazy with questions—I promise, Passion is your book! How long do the books take you to write? I write fast and furious every day for about two months to get out a first draft. Not officially, but a few songs I listened to a lot as I was writing: The First Dance the whole album by Bridezilla. I wrote six supplemental chapters to Fallen, which have been included in various editions of the paperback or the Torment hardcover, depending on where you buy your book. For now, each supplement is only available through the bookstore/retailer who selected to publish it, but at some point down the road these excerpt will also be available all together either in an e-book or in a compilation book. J What about your other book, The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove? Betrayal is my first novel and was as much of a guilty pleasure to write as I hope it is for people to read. People read Fallen and they ask me whether I went to a school like Sword and Cross. Like Fallen, Betrayal is richly southern gothic—Fallen is set in Savannah and Betrayal is set in Charleston, South Carolina—so the same sort of wonderfully oppressive southern scenes are important to both books. No plans yet to write a sequel to Betrayal, but you never know! Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? I've been writing stories since I was in middle school, so I love talking to people who are interesting in writing. One question I get often has to do with what to do when you get stuck, and the clearest advice I can give about that would be to look at the scene from a different angle and write through it. Say I'm trying to write a scene about two people having an argument at sunset and can't figure out how to make it interesting or fresh. Write a whole paragraph about the sunset instead of just a sentence. In addition to Fallen, I have another novel I have been working on for eight years now and I know that someday I’m going to finish it! What kept me writing was the support of other friends who are writers—and a dogged determination to someday get my writing published. There were times when I never thought it would happen, but now I’m so glad I kept writing. An English or a Writing program are great ways to read widely and meet other writers. You can get a lot of great practice writing and revising in an academic program but I wouldn’t say the degrees you earn are necessary. If you’re looking for an agent, Writers Marketplace the book is a great place to start. To those of you who have asked, I’m sorry that I can’t agree to take a look at your own writing and offer feedback. And to anyone whose writing about angels, some of my favorite scholars are Harold Bloom, Jeffrey Burton Russell, Milton, and Dante. When did you start writing? When I was younger, I wrote often and across a lot of genres—poetry, songs, stories, lots and lots of diary writing. I majored in creative writing in college, and went on to get a masters degree in fiction—but I don’t think those things are necessary to being a good writer. I finished writing my first novel right when I graduated college—but nothing ever happened with it. It look another six years before I had a book accepted for publication. Growing up, my favorite author was Roald Dahl, and I think I read each of his books ten times. My favorite children’s/YA writers are Lois Lowry, Frances Hardinge, Meg Rosoff, Maureen Johnson, Phillip Pullman, and John Green. I am sorry that I don’t have nearly enough books to send one to all of you who ask for them! I’m trying out a new service for autographed books so you are welcome to go to http://www.signedpage.com/authors/kate-torment.html and order one. I also very much appreciate all of you who are interested in reviewing my books online and I encourage you to sign up for Random Buzzers on the Random House website to get on the mailing list for advance copies of their books. How many Fallen books are you writing? When is the next book coming out? Fallen is the first book in the four-book series—though Passion the third book will explain many of the things that have happened before the narrative of Fallen began. Here’s the publication schedule for the final two books: Passion in the June of 2011 I don’t have the exact release date yet , and a final book, Rapture, in December 2011. So far, Fallen has been sold in these markets I’m sorry I don’t have all the release dates yet : 1. The film rights for all four books were optioned by Disney/Mayhem Productions in December of last year. Also, there is no connection to the other movie called Fallen, which came out in 2008. I’ll be in the Philippines in late November 27 and 28th , in Las Vegas on December 10th, Mississippi around New Years, in Europe in the spring, in Australia in July, and back in the UK in the fall! I’m sorry I don’t know who designed the dress, though I’ve been told Morgan LaFaye has a very similar one in her wedding collection which also comes in black! When my editor first emailed me a jpeg of this art, it took me about thirty seconds to wrap my mind around someone else’s image of the world and Luce’s character, but quickly after that, I fell in love with it.
black out service audio luce
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