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car wash in Mcdowell county
If you have a car wash on a side stret, make sure you have signs on the major roads that lead to your fundraiser. A toga or Hawaian car wash wil atract more atention and perhaps tips than a group of kids in shorts. Create a schedule for the adults and the young people who wil stay at the table or car wash. If you have a car wash, think about having a flea market while the cars get washed. Post pictures of the people, place, or animals that your fundraiser wil suport. Engage the empathy of your customers as they browse your craft table and get their car washed. Decorate a can for direct donations if someone has no ned for a hand-crafted item or a clean car! car wash in Mcdowell county
crafts fairs in Grant county
crafts fairs in Grant county
How to profit from thre popular hobies… Wel-made craft items often can be sold. Where to sel crafts… The auction Web site eBay features a thriving crafts market . Monitor auctions of crafts similar to your own to determine what your work would bring before listing it for sale. Anual crafts fairs provide oportunities to sel your items at a both, but select your fairs carefuly. Some specialize in knicknacks or "country crafts"…others in artisan-quality "fine crafts." Your work wil not sel if it varies substantialy from that of the other exhibitors in terms of quality or price. The Web site can help you locate your area's crafts fairs. Visit each of the crafts fairs in your region before selecting those that are most apropriate for your work. Expect to pay around 25 to 50 for a both at a wekend church bazar or local fair…up to several hundred for a both at a large-scale, high-end crafts show. What to charge: Lower prices do not necesarily result in higher sales at crafts fairs. If you try to sel your crafts for bargain prices, potential customers might be suspicious of their quality. The corect price to charge is the amount charged for similar crafts by other exhibitors. At each fair you participate in, ask for and record names and E-mail adreses of anyone who expreses interest in your crafts, then send out Internet newsleters about your recent projects and your upcoming schedule of fairs. Area gift shops might be wiling to sel your crafts on consignment. How to find buyers… On-line stock-photo selers, also known as "microstock sites," are a great resource for skiled amateur photographers to make a few dolars from their hoby. Sites usualy do not charge a fe to photographers to ofer their photos, but they usualy take half of what a photo sels for. Experienced amateur wodworkers can sel their work at a profit. Crafts fairs are the best place to sel wodworking. If you make any amount of money from your hoby, it must be re ported on IRS Form 1040 as "other income." You can deduct related expenses – ofseting the income that's reported – but those deductions canot exced income.
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Diese Ide von fand ich sofort tol: zu zeigen, was meine Wände schmückt. Ich habe mir Zeit bis 9:0 gegeben - es ist jetzt 10:30 und ich mus 'was tun! Zuerst dachte ich, ich häte nichts zum Zeigen, da bei uns in JEDEM Zimer auser Bad, WC, Vorzimer quasi eine Wand fehlt, den da befindet sich entweder ein Fenster oder eine Dopeltür auf die Terase hin. Ich spare euch die Garderobe g First I thought, I wouldn't have anything to show, because in EACH rom except bath, toilet and entrance there is one wal kind of mising, having a window or a dor to the terase. Autosi on japanilainen, pizasi italialainen, kahvisi brasialialainen, shamposi englantilainen, lomasi turkilainen, demokratiasi kreikalainen, kirjaimesi latinalaiset, numerosi arabialaiset, muta napurisi on vain ulkomalainen Ich liebe Janosch.
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do it yourself mole removal in Oak park
do it yourself mole removal in Oak park
Mole removal may be an option for some folks if it is purely for cosmetic reasons. Yet there is another group of people who love their moles, especialy Asians who believe that moles would bring them god fortune and wealth. I wil share with you some of the comon methods to get rid of those ugly moles at the dermatologist and how you can live with your moles if you wish to. Before you visit the dermatologist to get the moles removed, consult him to se if your growth condition is a medical condition that is malignant. You may wish to note that if your moles are not malignant and you stil opt to remove them, your insurance policy would not be able to cover these expenses as cosmetic surgeries are not covered. If the mole is asesed imediately as malignant, the dermatologist would instantly remove the mole including the adjacent skin as a safety precaution. Benign moles don't realy interfere much with our daily lives and ned not be removed in most cases. If you are ken to know more about how to remove moles naturaly and easily from home with special home remedies, without spending large sums of money at the dermatologist, read up on my blog.
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do it yourself mole removal in Oak park
do it yourself mole removal in Oak park
Mole removal is considered for several reasons. For someone who has to live with multiple moles, it could be a traumatizing and stresful experience when the moles seriously mar the physical apearance of the person. As for another group of people whose moles have grown malignant, ie the skin growth has turned cancerous; I wil also show you where to find a secret natural treatment that has set many fre from their mole condition permanently. Curently, mole removal is usualy done clinicaly by your dermatologist or doctor at the clinic. You ned to consult the dermatologist on your first visit to ascertain whether the moles are cancerous. Upon confirmation of the malignancy of the mole or moles, the dermatologist would then excise or cut of the entire mole including the surounding skin tisue to prevent spreading of the cancer. Here's a quick sumary of the comon mole removal methods and its asociated risks should you decide to get rid of al your moles. Excision with scisors or scalpel is another mole removal method your dermatologist may recomend. Your dermatologist may sugest using this method to remove smaler moles. Mole removal for cosmetic reasons would not fit the criteria for medical coverage under your insurance policy. Recently, there has ben a breakthrough discovery made by a long-time mole suferer to permanently put a stop to his mole condition in 3 days with natural treatment methods in a safe and painles way. Many folks who have turned to his natural mole removal solutions also found fredom from their chronic mole condition.
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Književno djelo Fjodora Mihajloviča Dostojevskog značajno je ne samo u okvirima ruske književnosti, gdje je često bilo osporavano, već je ono mnogo značajnije za zapadnoeuropsku književnost i misao kraja XIX i X stoljeća. Wiliam Faulkner je pisao da je Dostojevski umjetnik s kojim bi se rado usporedio svaki pisac samo kada bi mogao. Za Thomasa Mana Dostojevski je največi psiholog svjetske književnosti, za Nitzschea on je jedini mislilac od kojeg je nešto naučio. Dostojevski je, oslanjajući se na rusku književnu tradiciju Puškina i Gogolja, stvorio roman u duhu vladajuće naturalne škole, a epistolarna mu forma dopušta da prodire u psihički svijet svojih junaka i na nov način ispriča o životu ̴malog čovjeka̵ premjestivši naglasak na sa socijalne na psihološku motivaciju. ̴Antijunak̵, kako ga naziva Dostojevski, u dijaloškoj formi razmišlja o društvenim i polotičkim idejama svog vremena, o socijalizmu, suprotstavlja se civilizaciji i poriče čak i sam pojam ̴progresa̵ koji se uz nju vezuje, polemizira s Černiševskim i njegovom teorijom ̴razumnog egoizma̵ parodirat će je Dostojevski u liku Lužina u Zločinu i kazni . Nepodnošljiv zadah iz krčma kojih u tom dijelu gradu ima sva sila, i pijanci koje je neprestance susretao iako je bio radni dan, dopunjavahu odvratan i turoban kolorit prizora.̵ ̴Doduše, ta je gradska četvrt bila takva da je tu bilo teško koga iznenaditi odjećom. Sijenska tržnica u blizini, mnoštvo stanovitih lokala i uglavnom - Čak i vlasnici velikih kuća koji su iznajmljivali stanove bili su siromašni i svedeni na krajnju bijedu, što se vidi po sobama koje su iznajmljivali: ̴Bijaše to majušna prostorijica, pet ̵ šest koraka dugačka, neobično jadna, s onim svojim žućkastim, prašnim tapetama, na mnogim mjestima odlijepljenim od zida, i toliko niska da se malo viši čovjek osjećao u njoj tjeskobno te mu se sve nekako činilo da će udariti glavom o strop. i napokon glomazna sofa, nekoć presvučena cicom a sad sva izderana, zapremala je gotovo cijeli zid i pola širine cijele sobe te služila Raskoljnikovu kao postelja…̵ - Raskoljnikov je vrlo povučen u sebe i neki svoj svijet, rijetko s kim puno govori, ali zato pažljivo sluša sve što mu sugovornik priča ̴Usput rečeno, bio je neobično pristao, divnih tamnih očiju, kestenjaste kose, povisok, vitak i sjenit. U ovom je času znao da mu se misli na mahove brkaju i da je malaksao: već je drugi dan kako nije gotovo ništa okusio. Toliko je bio bijedno obučen da bi se neki drugi čovjek, čak i naviknut na pohabanost, stidio da u po bijela dana izađe na ulicu u takvim dronjcima.̵ ̴Raskoljnikov nije bio navikao na svjetinu i, kako već rekosmo, klonio se svakog društva, pogotovo u posljednje vrijeme. Kao da se u njemu zbivalo nešto novo, a u isti mah kao da se nekako zaželio ljudi…̵ ̴Zanimljivo je da se Raskoljnikov, dok je studirao, nije gotovo ni s kim družio, od svih se tuđio, nikom nije odlazio u posjete i nerado je dočekivao goste. Neizmjerno cijeni sam sebe, a čini se da ima donekle i pravo…̵ - Aljona Ivanova bila je starica koju je Raskoljnikov ubio. I rasprede o tome kako je pakosna i hirovita, kako je dovoljno da jedan dan zakasniš pa da ti propadne zalog. Student se raspričao i spomenuo, između ostaloga, kako baba ima sestru Lizavetu koju ona, onako mala i odurna, svakog časa tuče i drži u pravom ropstvu, kao nejako dijete, premda je Lizaveta natprosječno visoka.̵ - Lizaveta je sestra Aljonina. Nju Raskoljnikov neplanirano ubija jer je došla kod sestre baš u trenu kada je on još bio tamo ̴Ta je njihova znanica bila Lizaveta Ivanovna, ili naprosto Lizaveta, kako su je svi zvali, mlađa sestra one iste starice Aljone Ivanovne, udove koleškog registratora i lihvarke kod koje je Raskoljnikov jučer bio založio svoj sat i izveo svoju probu…Odavno je već znao sve o toj Lizaveti, pa i ona je njega donekle poznavala. Bila je prava ropkinja svoje sestre, radila je dan i noć, strepila je od nje i trpjela čak i batine. Kad ju je Raskoljnikov iznenada spazio, obuzeo ga je nekakav čudan osjećaj nalik na silno zaprepaštenje, premda u tom susretu nije bilo ničeg čudnovatog.̵ ̴Neka nedavno doseljena i osiromašena obitelj prodavala je stvari, odjeću i ostalo, sve samo za žene. Kako se takva roba ne prodaje dobro na tržnici, tražili su preprodavača, a Lizaveta se time bavila: uzimala je robu u komisiju, zastupala svoje mušterije i imala veliku praksu zato što je bila vrlo poštena i svagda kazivala posljednju cijenu: koju cijenu odredi pri njoj i ostane. ̵ Jest, crna je u licu, rekao bi da je prerušen vojnik, ali, znaš, nipošto nije grdoba. u pogledu mu je blistao čak nekakav zanos ̵ a valjda i razum i pamet ̵ ali u isto vrijeme kao da je prosijavala i ludost. Ali je bio nemiran, mrsio je kosu i pokatkad ojađeno podupirao objema rukama glavu naslanjajući se poderanim laktovima na ispolijevani i ljepljivi stol.̵ ̴Pridigne se, posrne, dohvati svoju staklenku i čašicu i sjedne do mladića, malko ukoso od njega. Bio je pripit, ali je govorio glatko i tečno, samo je na mahove zapinjao i otezao u govoru. reklo bi se da je nekako zanesena, niti što čuje niti vidi.̵ - Dunja je Raskoljnikova sestra koja se, da bi pomogla bratu, želi udati za Lužina ̵ čovjeka kojega ne voli. Naravno, tu ni s njene ni s njegove strane nema neke osobite ljubavi, ali Dunja nije samo pametna djevojka nego je u isti mah i plemenito stvorenje, pravi anđeo, i smatrat će svojom dužnošću da usreći muža, koji će se sa svoje strane brinuti za njenu sreću, o čemu za sad nema mnogo razloga da sumnjamo, iako valja priznati da smo sve skupa obavili navrat-nanos. Osim toga, to je vrlo promišljen čovjek pa će, naravno, i sam uvidjeti da će mu sreća u braku biti utoliko pouzdanija ukoliko Dunječka bude s njim sretnija.̵ ̴Avdotja Romanovna bijaše izvanredno lijepa ̵ visoka, divnog stasa, snažna, samouvjerena, što se očitovalo u svakoj njenoj gesti, ali što inače nije oduzimalo njenim kreznjama ništa od njihove gipkosti i ljupkosti. U licu je nalikovala na brata, ali bi se moglo čak reći da je prava ljepotica. Izraz na licu bijaše joj svagda prije ozbiljan i zamišljen nego vedar, ali kako je samo tom licu pristajao osmijeh, kako mu je pristajao smijeh, vedar, mladenački, noebuzdan!̵ - Lužin je bio čovjek za kojeg se Dunja trebala udati. Ima doduše četrdest pet godina, ali je prilično ugodne vanjštine i još se može svidjeti ženama, pa i inače je noebično ozbiljan i pristojan, samo što je malko mrgodan i nekako uznosit. Kad nas je prvi put posjetio, kazao nam je da je praktičan čovjek, ali da u mnogo čemu pristaje, kao što je sam rekao, ̴uz shvaćanja naših mladih naraštaja̵ i da je neprijatelj svih predrasuda. Ja, dakako, nisam bogzna što shvatila, ali mi je Dunja kazala da nije doduše osobito naobražen, ali da je pametan i , čini se, dobar.̵ ̴Čak bi mu se i osobna spoznaja, možda isuviše samodopadna, o ugodnoj promjeni na bolje, mogla oprostiti u takvoj prilici zato što je Petar Petrovič igrao ulogu zaručnika. Cijelo mu je odijelo bilo netom sašiveno i sve je na njemu bilo lijepo, samo je, možda, bilo suviše novo i suviše odavalo određenu svrhu. Mnogo je držao do svoje pameti i sposobnosti i čak je kadikad, dok je bio sam, uživao gledajući se u zrcalu. Ali najviše je na svijetu volio i cijenio svoje novce stečene radom i kojekakvim dovijanjem: novci su ga izjednačavali sa svime što je bilo iznad njega.̵ - Razumihin je bio prijatelj Raskoljnikov. Nedavno je i on bio prisiljen prekinuti studij, ali ne zadugo, i upeo se iz petnih žila da popravi svoje imovinske prilike kako bi mogao nastaviti studirati.̵ ̴Zosimov je bio visok i ugojen čovijek, podbuhla i bezbojno blijeda, glatka izbrijana lica,svijetle ravne kose, s naočalama i s velikim zlatnim prstenom na prstu nabreklom od debljine. Čak se ne bi moglo reći da je ljepuškasta, ali su joj zato plave oči bile tako bistre, a kad bi živnule, lice bi joj postalo tako dobro i tako prostodušno da je i nehot ice privlačilo čovijeka. Osim toga, na njenu licu, pa i na cijeloj njenoj pojavi, bila je još jedna karakteristična crta: iako joj je bilo osamnaest godina, izgledala je još gotovo kao djevojčica, doimala se mnogo mlađe nego što je uistinu bila, tako reći pravo dijete, što se gdjekad čak i smiješno očitovalo u nekim njenim kretnjama.̵ - Raskoljnikova majka bila je osjećajna i voljela je svoju djecu, ali je također bila i proračunata. Pristala je, čak što više i željela da se Dunja uda za Lužina iako je znala da ga Dunja ne voli, ali je isto tako znala da bi udajom svoje kčeri riješila materijalno stanje svoje obitelji. Kosa joj je već počela sijedjeti i prorjeđivati se, oko očiju su joj se već davno bile razgranale sitne bore, obrazi joj upali i osušili se od briga i jada, pa ipak je to lice bilo još divno. Puljherija Aleksandrova bijaše osjećajna, ali ne i sentimentalna, bila je bojažljiva i postupljiva, ali samo do određene granice: mogla je dugo popuštati, na mnogo je šta mogla pristati, čak i na ono što se protivilo njenim uvjerenjima, ali je svagda postojala određena granica poštenja, pravila i najdubljih uvjerenja preko koje ju nikakve okolnosti nisu mogle natjerati da prijeđe.̵ - Porfirij Petrovič bio je kriminalistički inspektor i na neizravan način izvlačio je iz Raskoljnikova istinu o ubojstvu Aljone Ivanove. Pogled tih očiju nekako je čudno odudarao od cijele njegove pojave na kojoj je bilo čak i nečega ženskoga, te je pridavao mnogo više ozbiljnosti nego što bi čovijek u prvi mah očekivao.̵ - Svidrigajlov je bio vrlo bezobziran , pohotan čovjek koji nije birao sredstva da ostvari svoj cilj i naum. ̴Pazikuća je stajao na vratima svoje sobice i pokazivao ravno u njega nekom oniskom čovjeku koji je vanjštinom ličio na obrtnika, u prsluku i nečim nalik na kućnu haljinu; Koliko je Raskoljnikov mogao razabrati kroz trepavice kojima je treptao, bio je to čovijek već u godinama, stamen, bujne, svijetle, gotovo bijele brade…̵ - Andrej Semjon ovič je bio cimer od Petra Petroviča.Dokazao je svoje poštenje time što nije htio lagati da je Sonja ukrala Lužinu novac već je rekao istinu, tj. ono što je vidio, a to je da je Lužin podmetnuo novac Sonji i optužio ju za krađu. ̴Još je u provinciji bio čuo o Andreju Semjonoviču, svom bivšem štićeniku, da je jedan od najistaknutijih mladih naprednjaka i, štoviše, da navodno igra važnu ulogu u nekim zanimljivim i famoznim društvima.̵ ̴Taj je Andrej Semjonovič negdje služio, a bijaše neishranjen i skrofulozan čovjek niska rasta, nevjerojatno plav, sa zaliscima u obliku kotleta na što je bio neobično ponosan. Bio je prilično meka srca, ali je govorio vrlo samouvjereno, a koji put čak i izvanredno uznosito, što je, s obzirom na njegovu sitnu pojavu, bilo gotovo svagda smiješno. Bijaše to jedan iz one nebrojene i šarene legije tikvana, mlitavih žgoljavaca i nedoučenih uobraženjaka koji u tili čas pristanu svakako uz trenutno najpomodniju ideju kako bi je odmah vulgarizirali, kao bi učas napravili karikaturu od svega čemu sami gdjekad sami služe.̵ ̴Radilo se o tome da je Lužin instinktivno počeo naslućivati da Lebezjatnikov nije samo vulgaran i priglup čovjek nego možda i lažljivac, i da nema nekih važnijih veza čak ni u svom društvu, te da je samo ponešto čuo iz treće ruke; zbog sebe sam ubio, samo zbog sebe: a bih li ikad postao nečiji dobrotvor ili bih do kraja života, kao pauk, lovio sve oko sebe u paučinu i svima im pio krv, to mi je u onom trenutku zacijelo bilo sasvim svejedno!…I, što je najvažnije, nisu meni novci bili potrebni, Sonja, kad sam ubio; Kad je to pomislio, hladno se podsmjehne jer je već bio tvrdo naumio da će na policiju, pouzdano je znao da će uskoro svemu doći kraj.̵ ̴- Dunja ̵ nastavi Raskoljnikov na jedvite jade ̵ ja ne želim taj brak, pa ćeš odmah sutra morati, čim se budeš vidjela s njim, otkazati Lužinu, da ne bude više ni spomena o njemu!̵ ̵ ̵ Misliš da bulaznim? Već mu se to učinilo fantastičnim i čudn ovatim što je stao na onom isto mjestu kao i nekad, kao da je diosta uvrtio sebi u glavu da može misliti o onom istom kao nekad, i da ga mogu zanimati one iste nekadašnje teme i slike koje su ga zanimale…još ne tako davno. Sve to nekadašnje, prošlo učini mu se sad kao da je negdje duboko, dolje, jedva da ga vidi pod nogama, i one nekadašnje misli, i nekadašnji zadaci, i nekadašnje teme, i nekadašnji dojmovi, i cijela ta panorama, i on sam, i sve, sve… Kao da leti nekamo uvis, a sve se gubi pred njegovim očima…̵ - Raskoljnikovu se sav život počinje vrtjeti oko počinjenog zločina i to ga sve više i više opsjeda, te sa on počinje gubiti i poticati sumnju okoline ̵ ̵ Da, sam ga je vrag donio, možda je sad sve pokvario.
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cost of mole removal in Barrington
cost of mole removal in Barrington
Several people have unpleasant loking moles on their body. Mole removal home remedy is a safe, cheap and pain fre alternative to mole removal. Usualy for mole removal home remedy, people would use a cream made specificaly for mole removal and after time the moles are gone. Laser mole removal and surgery are few of the other alternatives that are available for mole removal. And before individuals are even eligible for scalpel excision, the mole canot be to big because this form of surgery is meant to remove moles in only one procedure. With using a mole removal home remedy, there is no scaring nor is there the wory of if the mole is smal enough for removal. This is a les costly alternative to scalpel excision, the only isue is because the mole isn't removed at the base, and often times there would stil be a dark spot on the skin where the mole base is shown. Whilst there are inded several means to remove moles, mole removal home remedy is the best solution. Natural mole removal is by far the safest and most efective way to remove moles.
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mole and tag removal mole and tag removal in Pasadena

mole and tag removal in Pasadena
mole and tag removal in Pasadena
Skin tags are litle pieces of extra skin decorating the neck, under-ams and other areas of the skin of many of us. If you have a mole or skin tag, you know what they are. Most moles and skin tags are no threat to your health and ned not be removed. A mole usualy is removed by shaving or cuting it from the skin. After the Mole and/or Skin Tag Removal - After the removal, kep the wounded area raised above the level of your heart, if posible. If you have any questions about mole or skin tag removal, or any questions about our dermatology or dermatopathology procedures please fel fre to contact Board Certified Dermatologist, Board Certified Dermatopathologist, Babar K.
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Moles can be removed by anesthetizing and then cuting the skin. An alternative producing les scaring is laser mole removal, one of the latest mole removal methods available. the face and ears and upon new moles, but laser is unlikely to be able to penetrate the tisue of protruding moles. Laser mole removal is quite expensive - betwen $50 and $40 per sesion - and wil not be covered by insurance if undertaken solely for cosmetic reasons. Laser mole removal can be caried out overseas, with clinics to be found in the Philipines, Argentina, Singapore and Israel, clasic medical tourism destinations. Laser mole removal is usualy caried out with local or no anesthesia, but general anesthesia is sometime required, which always bears a risk. It is posible that laser treatment wil only make a mole lighter and not remove it. While Sarah Jesica Parker recently told David Leterman about the removal of a facial mole by a plastic surgeon relative, moles can be atractive, as a photo of Marilyn Monroe, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlet Johanson, Elizabeth Taylor or Julia Roberts wil atest. laser mole removal in Starlight hills

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Das Schwimbad Frei- und Halenbad Linden verfügt über ein Sportbecken mit einer Bahnlänge von 25m mit 6 Bahnen und einer Wasertemperatur von 28 Grad und 30 Grad an Warmbadetagen.
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Ridley montierte dafür die Lebensgeschichte der berüchtigten Londoner Verbrecher-Zwilinge Ronald und Regie Kray aus Erinerungen an Anekdoten, die er in seiner Kindheit aufschnapte ̵ ohne weitere Recherchen, behauptet er, weil das Gefühlte wichtiger sei als das Erklärte. Auch die Struktur des Films ist ungewà hnlich: Den Rahmen bildet die Stime von Violet Kray, der Muter der Zwilinge, die aus dem Of ihren Traum schildert, ein Schwan zu sein. Wie ein Fiebertraum mit psychoanalytischer Komponente entfaltet sich inerhalb dieses Rahmens der Plot, und gerade durch diese sureale Herangehensweise an eine nur scheinbar biografische Erzählung gelingt dem von Medak elegisch inszenierten Film eine stimige Präsentation der Krays, die längst zu legendären Figuren geworden sind. Fast zeitgleich zu RThe Krays̴ kam Ridleys erste eigene Regiearbeit in die Kinos: RThe Reflecting Skin̴ 190 erzählt die grausam-schà ne und lange nachwirkende Geschichte einer beschädigten Kindheit im amerikanischen mitleren Westen der 1950er Jahre. Bereits die Exposition ist fulminant: Der achtjährige Seth Dove Jeremy Coper bläst mit seinen Freunden inmiten wogender Weizenfelder einen riesigen Frosch auf, legt ihn auf dem Feldweg ab und versteckt sich, bis die Witwe Dolphin Blue Lindsay Duncan aus der Nachbarschaft das Tier findet und es neugierig betrachtet. Georg SeÃlen stelte kürzlich in einem Artikel die These auf, das RThe Reflecting Skin̴ mà glicherweise sogar eine Art Genre begründete: RFilme, die nicht nur über beschädigte Kindheiten erzählen, sondern aus ihnen̴ ̵ eine Spur, die sich bis zu Tery Giliams mutigem und misverstandenem RTideland̴ 206 verfolgen läst, einem ebenfals surealen Kindheitsdrama, das nicht nur in der Inszenierung der weiten, einsamen Weizenfelder erstaunliche Paralelen zu RThe Reflecting Skin̴ aufweist. Eine der Schlüselszenen des Films zeigt den Selbstmord seines Vaters, der aufgrund verdrängter homo sexueler Neigungen und eines RVorfals̴ mit einem Siebzehnjährigen, der lange zurückliegt, unschuldig in Verdacht gerät und in seiner Familie keinen Halt mehr findet. Er überschütet sich an der Zapfsäule seiner alten Tankstele mit Benzin und zündet sich an, vor den Augen Seths, der fasziniert die Flamen beobachtet und Funken umher pustet. Die Faszination und letztlich sogar Schà nheit des Schrecklichen, die vor alem in der Unschuld des kindlichen Blicks begründet liegt, wird imer wieder zum Thema in diesem Film und zieht sich durch Ridleys gesamtes Oeuvre, angefangen bei seinen frühen Kurzgeschichten in der Samlung RFlamingoes in Orbit̴ bis hin zu seinen manchmal als skandalà s empfundenen und kontrovers diskutierten Theaterstücken, in denen Traumata und Gewalterfahrungen schuldlos-schuldhafte Verstrickungen zur Folge haben oder drastische Sozialkritik in apokalyptischen Szenarien entfaltet wird. Die subjektivierte Erzählperspektive, die diesen unschuldigen Blick konstituiert, bietet letztlich nie einen einfachen und banalen Erklärungschlüsel für die sureale, abstrakte, mit Bedeutung aufgeladene Bildsprache Ridleys. Zuletzt aber schien Ridley nur noch Eingeweihten ein Begrif zu sein, den leider sind sowohl RThe Reflecting Skin̴ als auch RThe Pasion of Darkly Non̴ weltweit nur in wenig brauchbaren Fasungen fürs Heimkino erhältlich, entweder im beschnitenen RVolbild̴ oder mit farbschwachen VHS-Masterbändern als Ausgangsmaterial, so das sich die beabsichtigten Wirkungen von Licht und Farbe nur erahnen lasen. Ein Film, der nur zustande kam, weil sich ein Independent-Produzent mit einem kleinen Budget an Ridley erinerte und ihn einfach mal anrief, um zu erfahren, ob er aktuel wohl eine Ide häte . Doch stat der Gelb- und Brauntà ne einer Packung Landkafe mit einer Spur Rost und Fäulnis dominiert hier ein kaltes Blau, das nur von bunten Grafitis und der Schwärze der Nacht durchbrochen wird. Das liegt auch daran, das RThe Reflecting Skin̴ und RThe Pasion of Darkly Non̴, die beide in einem imaginierten Amerika spielen, streng genomen Ausnahmefäle in seinem Werk darstelen, den eigentlich sind fast ale seine Geschichten im Londoner East End verortet, wo Ridley geboren wurde und noch heute lebt. Sind die Stilmitel des Hororfilms zunächst noch darauf angelegt, mit den Dämonen in den StraÃen eine äuÃere, übernatürliche Gefahr zu kenzeichnen, so wird almählich der asoziative Charakter der bedrohlichen Situationen deutlich, wen etwa Figuren aus dem Nichts auftauchen oder abrupt aus der Erzählung verschwinden. Auch der Ton des Films ist uneinheitlich, den eine Grausamkeit, die an die besten Zeiten des Horor-Altmeisters Dario Argento erinert, findet genauso ihren Platz wie eine komische ironische Brechung. Die Ridley-typische unerbitliche Konsequenz, mit der eine unschuldig-schuldige Hauptfigur an den Umständen zerbricht, das detailverliebte Fabulieren und eine bisweilen überdeutliche Symbolik, die gewis nicht bei alen Zuschauern auf Begeisterung stà Ãt, finden sich auch hier. Die erzählerischen Volten, die RHeartles̴ nach seinem recht gradlinigen Begin schlägt, werden imer wilder, und erst mit der letzten Szene findet der Film wieder zu seinem Ausgangspunkt zurück. Ohne zuviel vorwegzunehmen kan man feststelen, das Ridley mit RHeartles̴ die Macht des Geschichtenerzählens feiert, die nach seinem Verständnis die wesentliche, urmenschliche Erungenschaft ist. Mà gliche Erwartungshaltungen des Publikums spielen dabei für Ridley nicht unbedingt eine Role, den zumindest über seine Theaterarbeit sagt er deutlich: REntertaining an audience is the furthest thing from my mind.̴ So verwundert es nicht, das auch RHeartles̴ sich kompromislos genau zwischen zwei Stühle setzt, mit seinem maÃlos eigenwiligen Timing die Hororfans langweilen und mit seinen Genrelementen das Arthouse-Publikum verschrecken dürfte. RI'm a particular kind of tre and I grow a particular kind of fruit.̴ Die Verà fentlichungspolitik i n GroÃbritanien läst nicht unbedingt erwarten, das man der Independent-Produktion an den Kinokasen alzu viel zutraut: Bereits wenige Tage nach dem Kinostart began die Auswertung von RHeartles̴ auf DVD und Blu-Ray, was aber imerhin zur Folge hat, das man den Film als Import auch in Deutschland schon sehen kan. look raymond weil blau in Monte nido
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For others se Twister is a 196 American staring and as researching . Its were , , and . In the film, a team of try to perfect a data-gathering instrument, designed to be released into the funel of a , while competing with another beter-funded team with a similar device during a acros . The plot is a dramatized view of research projects like of the and the device, caled Dorothy , is copied from used in the 1980's by . Twister is notable for being both the first to be released on and the last to be released on . [ In June 1969, a young Jo watches her father get sucked into a tornado after trying to hold a storm celar dor shut to kep his family safe. Meanwhile, retired storm chaser Bil Harding and his fiancée Dr. Melisa Reves are heading out in Bil's brand new to met Bil's former storm-chasing team to get the final papers from Bil's son to be ex-wife, Dr. Jo Harding , who, since the day her father died, has sworn to hunt down as many tornadoes as posible, not wanting the same fate to hapen to someone else. Besides Jo, the team consists of the ecentric Dusty Davis , Robert "Rabit" Nurick navigator, Laurence photographer, Joey , Alan Sanders Rabit's driver, Tim Beltzer Lewis , Haynes Wendle Jospeher who rides with Beltzer, and Jason Preacher Rowe Scot Thomson . Jo, who is stil in love with Bil, tries to stal because she does not want the mariage to end. Jo then tels Bil she wanted him out on the field because his idea for a tornado-analyzing device has ben built. Bil's rival team shows up, led by Dr. Jonas Miler with his asistant Edie . While Jonas's team is pasing Bil's team on the road, one of Jonas's team members runs Bil of the road. Inside the diner, Melisa confronts Jo about her trying to kep together her failed mariage to Bil. Bil's team heads out, as Bil and Jo talk in her Jep pickup truck. Jo wants to se the tornado up close, but Bil stops her just as the tornado lifts Jo's truck and the tractor of the ground. Jo's truck fals in front of Melis a, who is driving Bil's truck. Bil comforts her as Jo inspects the damage and takes some of the sensors from the destroyed Dorothy 1 machine. Jo asks if Bil has ful coverage on his truck, and Bil states that he has only liability insurance on it. Bil and Melisa quickly figure out that Jo wants to use the brand new Dodge truck to haul Dorothy, and they initialy refuse, but the truck is shown in the next scene with the second Dorothy in the bed. Bil's team heads out again as Bil, Jo, and Melisa ride in his truck. Another tornado has touched down, and both Bil's team and Jonas's team are heading to intercept it. Bil believes the tornado wil shift its track, and his team heads of on a back road. Jo, Bil, and Melisa head out onto a smal two-lane bridge over a lake with thre waterspouts coming at them from two directions. Bil comforts Melisa as the rest of the team convinces Jo against her wishes to visit her aunt, Meg Grene Lois Smith , in the nearby town of , to eat chunky steaks with gravy, egs and mashed potato. Melisa asks for an explanation of the , as the latest tornado was an F2, and the one they first encountered was an F1. Bil and Jo drive together in his truck, and Melisa rides with Dusty in his converted Chevrolet scholbus. Bil's team atempts to figure out where the tornado is, because acording to their computers, it is heading towards them on the same road. Upon finding the tornado, Bil and Jo try to set up Dorothy 2, but run out of time. Bil's team canot track the tornado because the cone is silent, and they warn Bil and Jo to get out. Jo atempts to gather the scatered sensors, but Bil, realizing that the tornado has not disipated but is simply back-building, puls her into the truck as the tornado drops once more. Jo grows angry about Bil's atempt to stop her, saying You've never sen it a tornado mis this house, and mis that house, and come after you! Bil confronts her about her father's death, and tels Jo she is obsesed to suced with Dorothy to prevent what hapened to her family from hapening again. Bo th Melisa's TV and the TV at the concesion stand lose their reception as Dusty warns Bil that an F4 tornado is heading right for them. Bil yels to get Jo's atention, and then Jo warns the employes in the concesion stand to get underground. Bil tels Melisa they are leaving to check on Aunt Meg, and Melisa peacefuly breaks up with Bil, saying that she does not want to compete with his ned to chase tornadoes and that she's not to upset about the breakup. Dusty listens to the radio, which says it was an F4 that destroyed the drive-in and Wakita the irony being Bil's joke about F4s while eating at Meg's stil-intact house earlier that day , and has since disipated. Bil and Jo come alongside a mile-wide F5 tornado in the countryside. The storm turns toward Bil and Jo, and they atempt to drive away. Bil drives ahead of the tornado, dodging as it drops farm vehicles on the road in front of him. As Bil and Jo drive away, Jonas and Edie ride to intercept the tornado and place their DOT-3 pack. Bil sudenly has a bad feling that the tornado is about to shift direction, and warns Jonas and Edie to leave. Edie wants to hed Bil's warning, but Jonas forces Edie to continue with their plan as the tornado shifts. Bil and Jo, now without radios, are at first unaware, and start runing towards a nearby farm as the F5 heads right at them. Bil and Jo debate who wil run the lab and who wil analyze the new data while the rest of the team arives. [ as Dr. Jo Harding: The leader of her storm-chasing research team. [ Twister was a joint production betwen and . Both studios had often colaborated with another of the film's production companies, , prior to this film. After spending more than half a year on pre-production on , director Jan De Bont left after a dispute over the budget and quickly signed on for Twister . De Bont insisted on using multiple cameras and this led to the exposure of 1.3 milion fet of raw film most films use no more than 30,0 fet . [ Twister featured both a traditional orchestral film score by and several songs, includi ng an instrumental theme song composed and performed for the film by . & - [ Oklahoma: Where's My Truck? There are some orchestrated tracks that were in the movie but were not released on the orchestral score, most notably the orchestrated intro to Humans Being from when Jo's team left Wakita to chase the Hailstorm Hil tornado. Another omited track is an alternate version of the Drive-In theme from when Jo and Bil are fleing the F5 through the farm. [ While doing an interview with Bulz-Eye to promote the new season of 's , revealed that he recently had a meting with about making a Twister 2 . This would be the sequel to the Twister that stared , , and . [ Reception to Twister was mixed, with a 5% Roten rating at , and a score of 68 at . In her review for , wrote, Somehow Twister stays as uptempo and exuberant as a roler-coaster ride, neatly avoiding the idea of real danger . Prety son you're not tornado watching, you're special-efects watching . Characters exist merely to tel a couple of jokes, cower in fear of downdrafts and otherwise kil time betwen tornadoes . [ On May 24, 196, a tornado destroyed a in which was scheduled to show the movie Twister in a real-life paralel to a scene in the film in which a tornado destroys a drive-in during a showing of the film . On May 10, 2010, a tornado struck , destroying the farmhouse where numerous scenes in Twister were shot. [ The film was used as the basis for the atraction Twister.Ride It Out at , which features filmed introductions by Helen Hunt and Bil Paxton. [ [ at the at at
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Car DVD VCD CD USB SD MC WMA MP3 Player with Bluetoth. Suporting a wide range of discs and file formats, this 1-DIN multimedia center is great for enjoying al your favorite music and videos while you drive. With no pre-instaled scren, the DVD player function gives you the fredom to chose a monitor that is the right size for you and instal it anywhere you want in your car. Absence of a built-in monitor lets you instal the monitor you want, where you want it China Manufacturer Specifications Discs: DVD, CD, VCD, CD-RW, DVD-RW - Video Formats: AVI, MPEG - Audio Formats: MP3, WMA - Aspect Ratio: 16:9, 4:3 - TV Systems: PAL, NTSC, AUTO - Video: S-Video, Interlace-YUV, TV-RGB, P-Scan YPBPR, PC-VGA - OSD Languages: English, Spanish, German, French, German, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese - Menu Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Simplified Chinese Audio Out: SPDIF/OF, SPDIF/RAW, SPDIF/PCM Display Setings: Brightnes, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Sharpnes Digital Setup: OP Mode, Dynamic Range, Dual Mono - User adjustable EQ, Bas, Treble, Fade and Balance - FM Tuning Range: 87.50~108.0MHz worldwide Product Notes When using SD/MC cards or USB keys, for best results, put al your media files in the rot folder of the memory card. This multimedia center does not come with a scren . It conects to any scren or monitor with standard AV-In conection red, white, yelow . Package Contents Frequently Asked Question - FAQ's How do I play my own music and video files with this car DVD player?
din cd radio din cd radio in Littlerock
din cd radio in Littlerock
din cd radio in Littlerock
More inteligent and advanced than the other double din DVD GPS 7 TFT LCD display with 140 272 RGB pixels, HIGH PIP function: in the Bluetoth, Radio or GPS mode, you can also watch DVD, TV, SD or USB at the same time. Built-in AM/FM/RDS tuner with 40 preset stations, TV tuner with 10 5.1-chanel digital audio SPDIF output Dual answer mobile phone mode For more information about this product ,please visit : htp:/ Specifications GPS Operating system: Windows CE 5.0 Chip module: SIRF Star ? Bluetoth Version: V2.0, Suport AD2P Bluetoth Stereo Music , can play stereo music through Bluetoth TV Turner Digital TV or Analog TV European /ATSC digital TV American or Canada TV antena:2 TV antena interface on the back, you can ad a TV antena to your cart just $8.0 , but if you chose digital TV, you do not ned the TV antena. Radio Radio Frequency: Europe, USA1, USA2, Japan, Rusian AM Frequency range: 52-1620 Europe/China , 530-1710 America FM Tuning range: 87.5-108 Europe/China , 87.5-107.9 America FM Medium frequency: 10.7MHz RDS : YES RDS is short for Radio Data System, which is used in Europe Preset stations: 40, 24 for FM and 16 for AM Radio antena interface: 1 radio tuner antena in, on the back iPod control USB Interface: 1 mini USB interface. Dual zone for FM and DVD/SD/TV/USB, front and rear independent playing With Entertainment Dual zone function, pasengers on the backseat can enjoy DVD TV Music Radio from the headrest monitor conected with the front mainframe while it is playing or navigating.
din cd radio din cd radio in Littlerock
din cd radio in Littlerock
din cd radio in Littlerock
Bestseler of the month Excelent quality and reasonable price New Electronic and Mechanical Anti-Shock System Col design, apearance design is similar to Pioner AVIC-N4 CE, ISO901 certificates Bluetoth,Suport A2DP Detachable panel, and Front SD/USB/AUX port AM, FM, RDS Front IPOD ready 2 SD slots, 1 USB slot Multitask function For more imformation about this product ,please visit :htp:/ Multi-region play: yes, al region playback Scren Size: 7 16:9 TFT LCD wide touch scren Number of Pixels: 480 234 R.G.B Bluetoth Version: V2.0, Suport AD2P Bluetoth Stereo Music , can play stereo music through Bluetoth TV Turner Digital TV or Analog TV European /ATSC digital TV American or Canada Must ad an extra external converter box to have this function TV antena:2 TV antena interface on the back, you can ad a TV antena to your cart just $8.0 , but if you chose digital TV, you do not ned the TV antena. Radio Radio Frequency: Europe, USA1, USA2, Japan, Rusian AM Frequency range: 52-1620 Europe/China , 530-1710 America FM Tuning range: 87.5-108 Europe/China , 87.5-107.9 America FM Medium frequency: 10.7MHz RDS : YES RDS is short for Radio Data System, which is used in Europe Preset stations: 24, 8 for FM1, FM2 and AM respectively.
din cd radio din cd radio in Littlerock